Scenario 2


In this use case, the application Scenario 2 is used to control an item. It is delivered in 2 parts:

  • scen2_srv: dedicated to application services and designed to run on a server only,

  • scen2_hci: dedicated to Human Computer Interfaces (HCI) and designed to run on a console only.

scen2_hci is started on demand from a console, whereas scen2_srv is available on startup. scen2_srv cannot be distributed because of its inter-processes communication design. scen2_hci is not distributed so that the user gets all the windows on the same screen. An internal data bus will allow scen2_hci to communicate with scen2_srv.

Multiple instances of the Scenario 2 application can be started because there are multiple items to control.

A common data bus - out of this application’s scope - is available to exchange data between Scenario 2 instances and other applications dealing with other types of items and/or a higher control/command application (as described in Scenario 3).


Here follows the use case requirements.

Global requirements

Requirement 1

Given X items to control, it shall be possible to start X instances of the application.

Requirement 2

scen2_hci and scen2_srv shall not be distributed.

Requirement 3

An operational status of each application shall be provided.

Requirement 4

scen2_hci and scen2_srv shall start only when their internal data bus is operational.

Requirement 5

The number of application instances running shall be limited in accordance with the resources available (consoles or servers up).

Services requirements

Requirement 10

scen2_srv shall be started on servers only.

Requirement 11

The X scen2_srv shall be started automatically.

Requirement 12

Each scen2_srv shall be started once at most.

Requirement 13

There shall be a load-balancing strategy to distribute the X scen2_srv over the servers.

Requirement 14

Upon failure in its starting sequence, scen2_srv shall be stopped so that it doesn’t consume resources uselessly.

Requirement 15

As scen2_srv is highly dependent on its internal data bus, scen2_srv shall be fully restarted if its internal data bus crashes.

Requirement 16

Upon server power down or failure, scen2_srv shall be restarted on another server, in accordance with the load-balancing strategy.

Requirement 17

The scen2_srv interface with the common data bus shall be started only when the common data bus is operational.

HCI requirements

Requirement 20

A scen2_hci shall be started upon user request.

Requirement 21

The scen2_hci shall be started on the console from where the user request has been done.

Requirement 22

When starting a scen2_hci, the user shall choose the item to control.

Requirement 23

The user shall not be able to start two scen2_hci that control the same item.

Requirement 24

Upon failure, the starting sequence of scen2_hci shall continue.

Requirement 25

As scen2_hci is highly dependent on its internal data bus, scen2_hci shall be fully stopped if its internal data bus crashes.

Requirement 26

Upon console failure, scen2_hci shall not be restarted on another console.

Requirement 27

scen2_hci shall be stopped upon user request.

Supervisor configuration

The initial Supervisor configuration is as follows:

  • The bin folder includes all the program scripts of the Scenario 2 application. The scripts get the Supervisor program_name from the environment variable ${SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME}.

  • The template_etc folder contains the generic configuration for the Scenario 2 application:

    • the console/group_hci.ini file that contains the definition of the scen2_hci group and programs,

    • the server/group_server.ini file that contains the definition of the scen2_srv group and programs.

  • The etc folder is the target destination for the configurations files of all applications to be supervised. In this example, it just contains a definition of the common data bus (refer to Requirement 17) that will be auto-started on all Supvisors instances. The etc folder contains the Supervisor configuration files that will be used when starting supervisord.

    • the supervisord_console.conf includes the definition of groups and programs that are intended to run on the consoles,

    • the supervisord_server.conf includes the definition of groups and programs that are intended to run on the servers.

[bash] > tree
├── bin
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         └──
├── etc
│         ├── common
│                  └── group_services.ini
│         ├── supervisord_console.conf
│         └── supervisord_server.conf
└── template_etc
    ├── console
             └── group_hci.ini
    └── server
        └── group_server.ini

Homogeneous applications

Let’s tackle the first issue about Requirement 1. Supervisor does not provide support to handle homogeneous groups. It only provides support for homogeneous process groups. Defining homogeneous process groups in the present case won’t help as the program instances cannot be shared across multiple groups. However, it is possible to assign multiple times the same program to different groups.

Assuming that the Scenario 2 application is delivered with the Supervisor configuration files for one generic item to control and assuming that there are X items to control, the first job is duplicate X times all group definitions.

This may be a bit painful when X is great or when the number of applications concerned is great, so a script is provided in the Supvisors package to make life easier.

[bash] > supvisors_breed -h
usage: supvisors_breed [-h] -t TEMPLATE [-p PATTERN] -d DESTINATION
                [-b app=nb [app=nb ...]] [-x] [-v]

Duplicate the application definitions

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        the template folder
  -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
                        the search pattern from the template folder
                        the destination folder
  -b app=nb [app=nb ...], --breed app=nb [app=nb ...]
                        the applications to breed
  -x, --extra           create new files
  -v, --verbose         activate logs

For this example, let’s define X=3. Using greater values don’t change the complexity of what follows. It would just need more resources to test. supvisors_breed duplicates 3 times the scen2_srv and scen2_hci groups found in the template_etc folder and writes new configuration files into the etc folder.

[bash] > supvisors_breed -d etc -t template_etc -b scen2_srv=3 -x -v
ArgumentParser: Namespace(breed={'scen2_srv': 3}, destination='etc', extra=True, pattern='server/*.ini', template='template_etc', verbose=True)
Configuration files found:
Template group elements found:
New File: server/group_scen2_srv_01.ini
New [group:scen2_srv_01]
New File: server/group_scen2_srv_02.ini
New [group:scen2_srv_02]
New File: server/group_scen2_srv_03.ini
New [group:scen2_srv_03]
Writing file: etc/server/programs_server.ini
Empty sections for file: server/group_server.ini
Writing file: etc/server/group_scen2_srv_01.ini
Writing file: etc/server/group_scen2_srv_02.ini
Writing file: etc/server/group_scen2_srv_03.ini

[bash] > supvisors_breed -d etc -t template_etc -b scen2_hci=3 -x -v
ArgumentParser: Namespace(breed={'scen2_hci': 3}, destination='etc', extra=True, pattern='console/*ini', template='template_etc', verbose=True)
Configuration files found:
Template group elements found:
New File: console/group_scen2_hci_01.ini
New [group:scen2_hci_01]
New File: console/group_scen2_hci_02.ini
New [group:scen2_hci_02]
New File: console/group_scen2_hci_03.ini
New [group:scen2_hci_03]
Empty sections for file: console/group_console.ini
Writing file: etc/console/programs_console.ini
Writing file: etc/console/group_scen2_hci_01.ini
Writing file: etc/console/group_scen2_hci_02.ini
Writing file: etc/console/group_scen2_hci_03.ini


The program definitions scen2_internal_data_bus and scen2_internal_check_data_bus are common to scen2_srv and scen2_hci. In the use case design, it doesn’t matter as Supervisor is not configured to include these definitions together. Otherwise, loading twice the same program definition may have led to incorrect behavior (unless they’re strictly identical).


About the choice to prefix all program names with ‘scen2_’

These programs are all included in a Supervisor group named scen2. It may indeed seem useless to add the information into the program name. Actually the program names are quite generic and at some point the intention is to group all the applications of the different use cases into an unique Supvisors configuration. Adding scen2 at this point is just to avoid overwriting of program definitions.

The resulting file tree is as follows.

[bash] > tree
├── bin
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         ├──
│         └──
├── etc
│         ├── common
│                  └── programs_services.ini
│         ├── console
│                  ├── group_scen2_hci_01.ini
│                  ├── group_scen2_hci_02.ini
│                  ├── group_scen2_hci_03.ini
│                  └── programs_console.ini
│         ├── server
│                  ├── group_scen2_srv_01.ini
│                  ├── group_scen2_srv_02.ini
│                  ├── group_scen2_srv_03.ini
│                  └── programs_server.ini
│         ├── supervisord_console.conf
│         └── supervisord_server.conf
└── template_etc
    ├── console
             └── group_hci.ini
    └── server
        └── group_server.ini


As a definition, let’s say that the combination of scen2_srv_01 and scen2_hci_01 is the Scenario 2 application that controls the item 01.

Here follows what the include section may look like in both Supervisor configuration files.

# include section in supervisord_server.conf
files = common/*.ini server/*.ini

# include section in supervisord_console.conf
files = common/*.ini console/*.ini

From this point, the etc folder contains the Supervisor configuration that satisfies Requirement 1.

Requirements met with Supervisor only

Server side

Requirement 10 is satisfied by the supervisord_[server|console].conf files. Only the supervisord_server.conf file holds the information to start scen2_srv.

Requirement 16 implies that all scen2_srv definitions must be available on all servers. So a single supervisord_server.conf including all scen2_srv definitions and made available on all servers still makes sense.

The automatic start required in Requirement 11 could be achieved by using the Supervisor autostart=True on the programs but considering Requirement 2 and Requirement 12, that becomes a bit complex.

It looks like 2 sets of program definitions are needed, one definition with autostart=True and one with autostart=False. All scen2_srv groups must include program definitions with a homogeneous use of autostart.

In order to maintain the load balancing required in Requirement 13, the user must define in advance which scen2_srv shall run on which server and use the relevant program definition (autostart-dependent).

This all ends up with a dedicated supervisord_server[_S].conf configuration file for each server.

Console side

Now let’s have a look at the console side. Like for the server configuration, all scen2_hci must be available on all consoles to satisfy Requirement 22. Per definition, choosing one of the scen2_hci is a way to choose the item to control.

Requirement 20, Requirement 21 and Requirement 27 are simply met using supervisorctl commands.

[bash] > supervisorctl start scen2_hci_01:*
[bash] > supervisorctl stop scen2_hci_01:*

It is possible to do that from the Supervisor Web UI too, one program at a time, although it would be a bit clumsy and a source of mistakes that would break Requirement 2.

However, there’s nothing to prevent another user to start the same scen2_hci on his console, as required in Requirement 23.

All the other requirements are about operational status, staged start sequence and automatic behaviour and there’s no Supervisor function for that. It would require dedicated software development to satisfy them. Or Supvisors may be used, which is the point of the next section.

Involving Supvisors

When involving Supvisors, all Scenario 2 programs are configured using autostart=false. Only the common data bus - that is outside of the application scope - will be auto-started.

The Supvisors configuration is built over the Supervisor configuration defined above.

Rules file

All the requirements about automatic behaviour are dealt within the Supvisors rules file. This section will detail step by step how it is built against the requirements.

First, as all scen2_srv instances have the same rules, a single application entry with a matching pattern is used for all of them. The same idea applies to scen2_hci. Declaring these applications in the Supvisors rules file makes them all Managed in Supvisors, which gives control over the X instances of the Scenario 2 application, as required in Requirement 1.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <application pattern="scen2_srv_"/>
    <application pattern="scen2_hci_"/>

Requirement 2 is just about declaring the distribution element to SINGLE_INSTANCE. It tells Supvisors that all the programs of the application have to be started in the same Supvisors instance.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <application pattern="scen2_srv_">

    <application pattern="scen2_hci_">

So far, all applications can be started on any Supvisors instance. Let’s compel scen2_hci to consoles and scen2_srv to servers, which satisfies Requirement 10 and contributes to some console-related requirements. For better readability, Instance aliases are introduced.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <alias name="servers">server_1,server_2,server_3</alias>
    <alias name="consoles">console_1,console_2,console_3</alias>

    <application pattern="scen2_srv_">

    <application pattern="scen2_hci_">

It’s time to introduce the staged start sequences. Requirement 11 asks for an automatic start of scen2_srv, so a strictly positive start_sequence is added to the application configuration.

Because of Requirement 4, scen2_srv and scen2_hci applications will be started in three phases:

  • first the scen2_internal_data_bus program,

  • then the scen2_check_internal_data_bus whose job is to periodically check the scen2_internal_data_bus status and exit when it is operational,

  • other programs.

scen2_internal_data_bus and scen2_check_internal_data_bus are common to scen2_srv and scen2_hci and follow the same rules so it makes sense to define a common model for them.

Due to Requirement 17, two additional phases are needed for scen2_srv:

  • the scen2_check_common_data_bus whose job is to periodically check the common_data_bus status and exit when it is operational,

  • finally the scen2_common_bus_interface.

They are set at the end of the starting sequence so that the core of the scen2_srv application can be operational as a standalone application, even if it’s not connected to other possible applications in the system.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <alias name="servers">server_1,server_2,server_3</alias>
    <alias name="consoles">console_1,console_2,console_3</alias>

    <model name="model_services">
    <model name="check_data_bus">
    <model name="data_bus">

    <application pattern="scen2_srv_">
            <program name="scen2_common_bus_interface">
            <program name="scen2_check_common_data_bus">
            <pattern name="">
            <program name="scen2_check_internal_data_bus">
            <program name="scen2_internal_data_bus">

    <application pattern="scen2_hci_">
            <program pattern="">
            <program name="scen2_check_internal_data_bus">
            <program name="scen2_internal_data_bus">

Let’s now introduce the automatic behaviors.

Requirement 5 implies to check the resources available before allowing an application or a program to be started. Supvisors has been designed to consider the resources needed by the program over the resources actually taken. To achieve that, the expected_loading elements of the programs have been set (quite arbitrarily for the example).

The starting_strategy element of the scen2_srv application is set to LESS_LOADED to satisfy Requirement 13. Before Supvisors starts an application or a program, it relies on the expected_loading set just before to:

  • evaluate the current load on all Supvisors instances (due to processes already running),

  • choose the Supvisors instance having the lowest load and that can accept the additional load required by the program or application to start.

If none found, the application or the program is not started, which satisfies Requirement 5.

The starting_strategy element of the scen2_hci application is set to LOCAL to satisfy Requirement 21. Actually this value is only used as a default parameter in the Application Page of the Supvisors Web UI and can be overridden.

In the same vein, the starting_failure_strategy element of the scen2_srv application is set to STOP_APPLICATION (Requirement 14) and the starting_failure_strategy element of the scen2_hci application is set to CONTINUE (Requirement 24).

Finally, there is automatic behavior to be set on the scen2_internal_data_bus programs. The running_failure_strategy element of the internal_data_bus pattern is set to:

  • RESTART_APPLICATION for scen2_srv applications (Requirement 15),

  • STOP_APPLICATION for scen2_hci applications (Requirement 25),

A last impact on the rules file is about the application operational status (Requirement 3). Setting the required element on the program definitions will discriminate between major and minor failures for the applications. Supvisors will provide a separate operational status for scen2_srv and scen2_hci. It is still the user’s responsibility to merge the status of scen2_srv_N and scen2_hci_N to get a global status for the Scenario 2 application controlling the Nth item.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!-- aliases -->
    <alias name="servers">server_1,server_2,server_3</alias>
    <alias name="consoles">console_1,console_2,console_3</alias>

    <!-- models -->
    <model name="model_services">
    <model name="check_data_bus">
    <model name="data_bus">

    <!-- Scenario 2 Applications -->
    <!-- Services -->
    <application pattern="scen2_srv_">
            <program name="scen2_common_bus_interface">
            <program name="scen2_check_common_data_bus">
            <pattern name="">
            <program name="scen2_check_internal_data_bus">
            <program name="scen2_internal_data_bus">

    <!-- HCI -->
    <application pattern="scen2_hci_">
            <program pattern="">
            <program name="scen2_check_internal_data_bus">
            <program name="scen2_internal_data_bus">


Two last requirements to discuss. Actually they’re already met by the combination of others.

Requirement 16 aks for a restart of scen2_srv on another server if the server it is running on is shut down or crashes. Due to the non-distributed status of this application, all its processes will be declared FATAL in Supvisors for such an event and the application will be declared stopped. The RESTART_APPLICATION set to the scen2_internal_data_bus program (Requirement 15) will then take over and restart the application on another server, using the starting strategy LESS_LOADED set to the scen2_srv application (Requirement 13) and in accordance with the resources available (Requirement 5).

On the same principle, the running failure strategy applied to the scen2_internal_data_bus program of the scen2_hci application is STOP_APPLICATION. In the event of a console shutdown or crash, the scen2_hci will already be declared stopped, so nothing more to do and Requirement 26 is therefore satisfied.

Control & Status

The operational status of Scenario 2 required by the Requirement 3 is made available through:

For the example, the following context applies:

  • due to limited resources - 3 nodes are available (rocky51, rocky52 and rocky53) -, each node hosts 2 Supvisors instances, one server and one console ;

  • common_data_bus is Unmanaged so Supvisors always considers this ‘application’ as STOPPED (the process status is yet RUNNING) ;

  • scen2_srv_01, scen2_srv_02 and scen2_srv_03 are running on server_1, server_2, server_3, respectively hosted by the nodes rocky51, rocky52, rocky53 ;

  • scen2_hci_02 has been started on console_3 ;

  • an attempt to start scen2_hci_03 on the server rocky51 has been rejected (only allowed on a console).

>>> from supervisor.childutils import getRPCInterface
>>> proxy = getRPCInterface({'SUPERVISOR_SERVER_URL': 'http://localhost:61000'})
>>> proxy.supvisors.get_all_applications_info()
[{'application_name': 'common_data_bus', 'statecode': 0, 'statename': 'STOPPED', 'major_failure': False, 'minor_failure': False},
{'application_name': 'scen2_srv_01', 'statecode': 2, 'statename': 'RUNNING', 'major_failure': False, 'minor_failure': False},
{'application_name': 'scen2_srv_02', 'statecode': 2, 'statename': 'RUNNING', 'major_failure': False, 'minor_failure': False},
{'application_name': 'scen2_srv_03', 'statecode': 2, 'statename': 'RUNNING', 'major_failure': False, 'minor_failure': False},
{'application_name': 'scen2_hci_01', 'statecode': 0, 'statename': 'STOPPED', 'major_failure': False, 'minor_failure': False},
{'application_name': 'scen2_hci_02', 'statecode': 2, 'statename': 'RUNNING', 'major_failure': False, 'minor_failure': False},
{'application_name': 'scen2_hci_03', 'statecode': 0, 'statename': 'STOPPED', 'major_failure': True, 'minor_failure': True}]
[bash] > supvisorsctl -s http://localhost:61000 application_info
Application      State     Major  Minor
common_data_bus  STOPPED   False  False
scen2_srv_01     RUNNING   False  False
scen2_srv_02     RUNNING   False  False
scen2_srv_03     RUNNING   False  False
scen2_hci_01     STOPPED   False  False
scen2_hci_02     RUNNING   False  False
scen2_hci_03     STOPPED   True   True

To start a scen2_hci in accordance with Requirement 20, Requirement 21 and Requirement 22, the following methods are available:

  • the XML-RPC API (example below - beware of the target),

  • the REST API (if supvisorsflask is started),

  • the Application Control of the extended supervisorctl or supvisorsctl (examples below):

    • using the configuration file if executed from the targeted console,

    • using the URL otherwise,

  • the start button Start button at the top right of the Application Page of the Supvisors Web UI, assuming that the user has navigated to this page using the relevant |Supvisors| instance (check the url if necessary).

>>> from supervisor.childutils import getRPCInterface
>>> proxy = getRPCInterface({'SUPERVISOR_SERVER_URL': 'http://rocky53:61000'})
>>> proxy.supvisors.start_application('LOCAL', 'scen2_hci_02')
[bash] > hostname
[bash] > supervisorctl -c etc/supervisord_console.conf start_application LOCAL scen2_hci_02
scen2_hci_02 started

[bash] > hostname
[bash] > supvisorsctl -s http://rocky53:61000 start_application LOCAL scen2_hci_02
scen2_hci_02 started


Supervisor’s supervisorctl does not provide support for extended API using the -s URL option. But Supvisorssupvisorsctl does.

Requirement 12 and Requirement 23 require that one instance of one instance of scen2_srv_N and scen2_hci_N are running at most. This is all managed by Supvisors as they are Managed applications. If the scen2_srv_N is already running on a console, the Supvisors Web UI will prevent the user to start scen2_srv_N from another console. Supvisors XML-RPC and extended supervisorctl commands will be rejected.


The Supervisor commands (XML-RPC or supervisorctl) are NOT curbed in any way by Supvisors so it is still possible to break the rule using Supervisor itself. In the event of multiple Scenario 2 programs running, Supvisors will detect the conflicts and enter a CONCILIATION state. Please refer to Conciliation for more details.

To stop a scen2_hci (Requirement 27), the following methods are available:

  • the XML-RPC API (example below - whatever the target),

  • the REST API (if supvisorsflask is started),

  • the Application Control of the extended supervisorctl or supvisorsctl from any |Supvisors| instance (example below),

  • the stop button Stop button at the top right of the Application Page of the Supvisors Web UI, whatever the |Supvisors| instance displaying this page.

Indeed, as Supvisors knows where the application is running, it is able to drive the application stop from anywhere.

>>> from supervisor.childutils import getRPCInterface
>>> proxy = getRPCInterface({'SUPERVISOR_SERVER_URL': 'http://localhost:61000'})
>>> proxy.supvisors.stop_application('scen2_hci_02')
[bash] > hostname
[bash] > supervisorctl -c etc/supervisord_server.conf stop_application scen2_hci_02
scen2_hci_02 stopped
Supvisors Use Cases - Scenario 2

As a conclusion, all the requirements are met using Supvisors and without any impact on the application to be supervised. Supvisors improves application control and status.


The full example is available in Supvisors Use Cases - Scenario 2.

Two versions are provided:

  • one corresponding to the description above ;

  • one based on the Supvisors discovery mode, using stereotypes rather than aliases.